If you have been in the gym over the last couple of days you have seen a lot of this.....
And this.....
And this..And lots of people doing this....
You may have asked yourself,"Self, what is with all the duct tape?'' Well, Rockman will tell you it is for....
In just over a week, Adventure Rock will be hosting our 11th annual Quick on the Draw (aka Crick on Drawr, Buick on the Draw) climbing competition. In order to make this a spectacular event we spend a lot of time in advance setting the routes for the comp. Just to make it fair (and keep the holds clean) after we set a route we cover it with duct tape. This makes the route virtually invisible. Rockman does not recommend buying shoes right before the comp, but what does he know. Check back in on Monday for The Final Countdown, a rare look behind the scenes of everyone's favorite climbing comp.
If you are not signed up click on the right to download a registration form. Pre-registration ends Monday, so don't wait.
i can certainly attest to that... i was there just over an hour ago and have to admit there was a lot of construction... *sigh*