Monday, January 4, 2010

13 Questions with an Adventure Rock Local-Mellisa Giuffre

  1. What is your Name? Mellisa Giuffre
  2. Do you have any Nicknames? If so what are they?
  3. How long have you been climbing? 7 Months
  4. How long have you been climbing at Adventure Rock? 7 months
  5. What is your favorite part of Adventure Rock? Meeting other climbers and .......Climbing!
  6. What were you thoughts when you first came to Adventure Rock? Pure Awesomeness!!
  7. What is you favorite climbing area? The Main Gym
  8. What is your favorite route and why? Bloods vs. Crimps. It was the first 5.8 I could do and it's super fun.
  9. What is your favorite piece of climbing gear? My harness, can't top rope without it.
  10. What do you like about climbing? The rush when you get to the top of a climb.  Physical and mental chalenge
  11. Tell us about your best day climbing? The day I did 3 5.9s, for me it was pretty amazing.
  12. If you could change one thing about the sport what would it be? Nothing, I think climbing rocks!
  13. If you could name a route what would you name it? Mellisa Giuffre's Fancy New Route
And their you have it, another one of the great people who make Adventure Rock such a great place to hang out at.

In the Spirit of Adventure Rock,


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