Wednesday, January 27, 2010

13 Questions with an Adventure Rock local

13 Questions with an Adventure Rock Local-Emily Rubin
  1. What is your Name? Emily Rubin
  2. Do you have any Nicknames? If so, what are they? Scmemily
  3. How long have you been climbing? 4 years
  4. How long have you been climbing at Adventure Rock? 4 Years
  5. What is your favorite part of Adventure Rock? Management
  6. What were you thoughts when you first came to Adventure Rock? How can I lie to get a job here.
  7. What is you favorite climbing area? Red River Gorge, of course
  8. What is your favorite route and why? Mercy the Huff, proudest project
  9. What is your favorite piece of climbing gear? My chalk bag, a friend I met in Spain made it for you then sent it to the good old US of A.
  10. What do you like about climbing? The amazing community
  11. Tell us about your best day climbing? Climbing with all of the girls at Funk Rock City!
  12. If you could change one thing about the sport what would it be? More girls
  13. If you could name a route what would you name it?Molasses
In The Spirit of Adventure,



Monday, January 25, 2010

Quick Post Until Wednesday

Rockman knows everyone is waiting for the Quick on the Draw Wrap-up.  Rockman is working on it and will have something by Wednesday.  Until then here is an instructional video taken from clips of the Hollywood classic climbing film Vertical Limit.  Enjoy!

In The Spirit Of Adventure,


Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Final Countdown (Part Four)

For those of you who have been following along may know that the gym finally closed today for final preparations for Q on the D.  This makes things a lot easier.  The Climbing Narc was in early flexing his muscle when it comes to turning a wrench.  The normal crew of volunteers was on hand to get  anything Rockman needed done, done.  And we got a lot done.  If we had to we could have the comp tomorrow.  So let's get some stuff crossed of the list.
  1. Hang the volumes
  2. Re-tape the routes
  3. Check in with the designer about shirts and booklets.
  4. Touch base with the handful of sponsors that haven't turned in artwork or sent their promised goods
  5. Check in with the cleaning crew for Friday and Saturday
  6. Drum up volunteers for Thursday,Friday and Saturday
    1. Find some one to pick up bagels on Saturday
    2. Find someone to Pick up  coffee
  7. Turn a Stalag-Might into a Stalag-tight (no longer a Stalag-might, it is a Stalag-Tight)
  8. Send out a Facebook reminder about pre-registration ending
  9. Make a closed to the public sign for the door
  10. Print scorecards
  11. Gather the schwag for the registration bags
    1. Make up registration bags
  12. Set 10 more routes(We cranked them out today)
  13. Have plow driver come to clean up snow taking up valuable parking spots
  14. Check in with status of our awards
  15. Order food for volunteers
  16. Stuff registration bags
  17. Strip and clean holds (Thanks to the Narc and Tony B who probably complaining on Facebook about muriatic acid)
  18. Fix lock to route setters closet 


Mr. Nimmer doing the hard work.

So whats left?  We will spend most of the day, tomorrow, tightening, testing and tweaking routes.  We will be making sure the routes are the right grade and that they are fair for everyone.  We try to finish early about 7:00pm so we can go out to eat and to blow off some steam.  Rockman is getting old he needs to get to bed early so is sharp during the comp.  His jokes are funnier that way.  Rockman wants to give a big shout out to all of the folks that come out to help our fiasco of a competition run so well.  Thank you,Thank you, Thank you.  When you see one of these guys give them a big pat on the back for all of  their hard work.

In The Spirit Of Adventure,


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Final Countdown (Part Three)

Here is a couple of pictures from yesterday's progress.

Adventure Rock is in full comp mode now.  We have stripped both of the caves and have most of our boulder problems set.  Wednesday is the hardest day of this week.  We want to be done with the duct tape and we just want to start cranking down holds.  Tomorrow, however, Katie bar the door.  We will really get 'er done then.  Lets check in with the list thus far.
  1. Hang the volumes
  2. Re-tape the routes
  3. Check in with the designer about shirts and booklets.
  4. Touch base with the handful of sponsors that haven't turned in artwork or sent their promised goods
  5. Check in with the cleaning crew for Friday and Saturday
  6. Drum up volunteers for Thursday,Friday and Saturday
    1. Find some one to pick up bagels on Saturday
    2. Find someone to Pick up  coffee
  7. Turn a Stalag-Might into a Stalag-tight (last coat of paint goes on soon)
  8. Send out a Facebook reminder about pre-registration ending
  9. Make a closed to the public sign for the door
  10. Print scorecards
  11. Gather the schwag for the registration bags
    1. Make up registration bags
  12. Set 10 more routes(Only 6 left)
  13. Have plow driver come to clean up snow taking up valuable parking spots
  14. Check in with status of our awards
  15. Order food for volunteers
  16. Stuff registration bags
  17. Strip and clean holds
  18. Fix lock to route setters closet
The list is shrinking and growing at the same time.  As folks get more tired throughout this week everything gets a little more frustrating.  Adventure Rock is a great place to work and Adventure Rock has a great crew but It has not gone unnoticed that Rockman might have other, less stressful, options.

In The Spirit Of Adventure,


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Final Countdown (Part Two)

Arg....... More of that impending doom.  Yesterday did not go as well as Rockman hoped.  The whole MLK day and the influx of phone calls shackled this guy to his desk.  Lets get a quick run down on Q on the D to do list from yesterday.

  1. Hang the volumes
  2. Re-tape the routes
  3. Check in with the designer about shirts and booklets.
  4. Touch base with the handful of sponsors that haven't turned in artwork or sent their promised goods
  5. Check in with the cleaning crew for Friday and Saturday
  6. Drum up volunteers for Thursday,Friday and Saturday
  7. Turn a Stalag-Might into a Stalag-tight (it is getting there, cross your fingers)
  8. Send out a Facebook reminder about pre-registration ending
  9. Make a closed to the public sign for the door
  10. Print scorecards
  11. Gather the schwag for the registration bags
  12. Set 10 more routes(maybe not today,but soon)
  13. Have plow driver come to clean up snow taking up valuable parking spots
  14. Check in with status of our awards
  15. Order food for volunteers
  16. Stuff registration bags
  17. Strip and clean holds
  18. Fix lock to routesetters closet
Hopefully Rockman will be able to check back tonight with some photos and video of today's progress.

In The Spirit Of Adventure,


Monday, January 18, 2010

The Final Countdown (Part One)

Coming into the gym on a Monday before any major competition can be scary.  Rockman has a mixture of excitement and impending doom.  Excitement for all of the really cool things that are going to be coming down the pike and doom for having to get the cool stuff done.  This years Q on the D is no different.  This Monday, Rockman came into the gym to find;one less route than he expected to be set, lots of duct tape ripped off the wall(to be expected), a lot fewer than expected pre-registrations, and lengthy list of short term problems that need to be solved.  So we start off with a to do list for the day:
  1. Hang the volumes
  2. Re-tape the routes
  3. Check in with the designer about shirts and booklets.
  4. Touch base with the handful of sponsors that haven't turned in artwork or sent their promised goods
  5. Check in with the cleaning crew for Friday and Saturday
  6. Drum up volunteers for Thursday,Friday and Saturday
  7. Turn a Stalag-Might into a Stalag-tight
  8. Send out a Facebook reminder about pre-registration ending
  9. Make a closed to the public sign for the door
  10. Print scorecards
  11. Gather the schwag for the registration bags
  12. Set 10 more routes(maybe not today,but soon)
  13. Have plow driver come to clean up snow taking up valuable parking spots
  14. Check in with status of our awards
  15. Order food for volunteers
  16. Stuff registration bags
  17. Strip and clean holds
  18. Fix lock to routesetters closet
That's the short list for right now.  It seems pretty do-able, however there is a catch.  Adventure Rock is open to the public and it is Martin Luther King's B-day, meaning lots of people have off and will be looking to climb.  This is the delicate balance running facility and running a competition.  How do we make the event fun but keep our regulars happy for the days prior to the comp.  Arg..... More doom.  Rockman will check back in tomorrow to let you know how it is going.

In the Spirit Of Adventure,


Friday, January 15, 2010

What's With All The Duct Tape?

If you have been in the gym over the last couple of days you have seen a lot of this.....

And this.....

And this..

And lots of people doing this....

You may have asked yourself,"Self, what is with all  the duct tape?''   Well, Rockman will tell you it is for....
In just over a week, Adventure Rock will be hosting our 11th annual Quick on the Draw (aka Crick on Drawr, Buick on the Draw) climbing competition.  In order to make this  a spectacular event we spend a lot of time in advance setting the routes for the comp.  Just to make it fair (and keep the holds clean) after we set a route we cover it with duct tape.  This makes the route virtually invisible.   Rockman does not recommend buying shoes right before the comp, but what does he know. Check back in on Monday for The Final Countdown, a rare look behind the scenes of everyone's favorite climbing comp.

If you are not signed up click on the right to download a registration form.  Pre-registration ends Monday, so don't wait.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

10 Weaks to Climbing

Several years ago the guru of rock climbing training Eric Horst came out with an article named "Ten Weeks to Better Climbing."  The article was great, it helped Rockman and lots of other climbers get into great climbing shape.  Rockman is not in great climbing shape.  Here is the new training program for people who want to stay out of shape.
Weak #1-Get a job at a climbing gym-Nothing will ensure your success at failure more than working around climbing all day.  After eight hours of answering phones, questions, putting out fires and explaining how things work, the last thing you want to do is step onto the blue carpet for another couple of hours of training.  Often Rockman gets the comment, “Man, it must be nice working at a gym and getting to climb all the time.”  Rockman usually responds with a sarcastic “Yes that would be nice.”
Weak #2-Get Injured -If anyone reads the Climbing Narc’s blog, you will understand how nagging injuries will keep you from getting strong.  If Rockman climbs in the gym more than once a week, his shoulder feels like it will explode and he can’t sleep at night because of the pain.  You will have achieved Weak #2 when you can spout off Physical Therapy jargon as much you can spray climbing jargon.
Weak #3-Get Old-This Weak seems to elude some folks (Mr. Nimmer for one) but it tends be an underlying trend in the sport.  This sport tends to be dominated by folks in their twenties and early thirties.  While age alone will is not a single determining factor, it tends to tie many of the Weaks together.  The best part of this Weak is, you just have to wait for it.
Weak #4-Gain Weight-Rockman often asks folks when they ask about weight in climbing, "What’s easier climbing a ladder with one brick or twenty bricks?"  You can climb a ladder in either case, but it’s just a lot easier with one brick.  Rockman used to say it  putting on weight is Hyper Gravity Training (another of Eric Horsts training methods) but it only works if you can remove the weight before performing.  This is the tastiest of all the Weaks, butterburgers and custard will do just fine.  Is that a Kringle…
Weak #5-Talk about the sport-Rockman spends a good deal of his life promoting the sport of climbing.  Letting people know how great the sport is, how healthy it is, how safe it is…..Blah.blah,blah.  At some point, you just want to turn it off.  No talk about grades, routes, gear, jacked top-rope set ups.  You know you have reached success when you have told the same climbing story fifty to one hundred times.  Following Proclimbers on Twitter is part of this Weak.
Weak #6-Start a Climbing Blog-Rockman thinks the Narc will agree with me that Weak # 5 and Weak #6 go hand in hand.  Those that can do; those that can't blog about it.  The Narc can still on-sight some hard stuff though.  Maybe Rockman should blog harder if he wants to get stronger instead of weaker.
Weak #7-Become consumed with outside influences-Yard work,house projects, family functions,car repairs,what's for dinner, grocery shopping, and the list goes on and on.  If these things are regular topics of conversation or reasons for not going climbing you are on Weak #7.
Weak #8-Start another hobby-While Rockman's long board building is really cool,  it uses much of the space under his woody.  That really helps justify the non-use of his home climbing wall.  Almost anything can work for this weak.  However, if you want the best results, try to combine it with other weaks of training.  Rockman likes anything he can do while eating Jalapeno Crunchers.
Weak #9-Have Kids-Rockman loves his kids.  Rockman could not imagine life without his kids.  Kids may be the demise to more climbers than any other thing.  Many well known climbers such as Lynn Hill and Mr. Nimmer have not fallen into this Weak, but for us mortals it is a big one.  This fall when Rockman took an old man trip to the Gunks, Rockman's kids got the swine flu.  Rockman is still paying for that one.
Weak #10-TV-Jersy shore, CSI Miami, Castle, American Idol, Bachelor 2-elecric buggaloo,Survivor, Lost, Leno, 24's season premiere, the Tour De France, Desperate Housewives, the list of hours of lost climbing time can fill your 47" flat panel T.V. until your desire to do anything melts away into your fat rolls.  What would the Situation do?

Like any training strategy none of  these things done in isolation will get the results no climber desires.  Start putting one or two together and you will get some amazing results.  You will go from climbing 5.12 to 5.9 in a matter of Weeks (Weaks).  Rockman sees no change in his training stratigy anytime in the near future.   Rockman's only hope is JS has a new episode on Thursday.  Good Luck.

In the Spirit of Adventure,


Monday, January 11, 2010

13 Questions with an Adventure Rock Local-David Mortier

  1. What is your Name? Dave Mortier
  2. Do you have any Nicknames? If so what are they? Super Dave!
  3. How long have you been climbing? 6 Years
  4. How long have you been climbing at Adventure Rock?6 Years
  5. What is your favorite part of Adventure Rock? The new bouldering cave and the hot babes.
  6. What were you thoughts when you first came to Adventure Rock? Holy Crap!
  7. What is you favorite climbing area? Red River Gorge
  8. What is your favorite route and why? Jesus Wept, it has everything-bouldery moves.technical, vertical, and it is long!
  9. What is your favorite piece of climbing gear? The Big Bro-Cause of its name.
  10. What do you like about climbing? Everything-The climbing, the friends, the whole experience.
  11. Tell us about your best day climbing? They are all great.
  12. If you could change one thing about the sport what would it be? More girls
  13. If you could name a route what whould you name it? Short man's revenge
In the Spirit of Adventure


Friday, January 8, 2010

Ice Pits First Annual Ice Fest

For many of us living in Wisconsin we have never experienced the hidden treasure in De Pere, WI called the Ice Pit.  Here is your chance.  Rockman's friend Dan Kopperud has put together a super fun event and opportunity for folks to come out and try some ice climbing.  Here is your official Invite.

In The Spirit Of Adventure,


The First Annual Ice Pit Ice Festival & Demo Weekend on January 16-17, 2010

  Climb all weekend for $10 (cash only, please)
The Ice Pit is located a few miles west of Green Bay, in De Pere, WI 54115.  Map
Check out our massive private ice park and try awesome gear from Marmot, Osprey, Scarpa, PetzlSterling Rope, and  Black Diamond.
We’ll also have Kind Bars, Point 6 Socks, SOLE Footbeds, Little Hotties, Red Bull, Yaktrax, the Access Fund, the American Alpine Club and more!
After the climbing is over on Saturday come to the Ramada Inn, for a slide show from Dean Einerson, an awesome door prize giveaway and a party in the indoor waterpark.
Stay at the Ramada Inn and ask for the special Midwest Ice Climber rate.  Leave your car there and take the free shuttle to and from the climbing.
Before you can climb, you'll need the following forms (which can be found by following the links on the menu to the left:)  Click on "members only", click on "forms & info", click on "member forms"
1. Liability & Release Form (#1)
2. Ice Pit Orientation Rules & Regulations Agreement Form (#2)

If you have any other questions or information about this event please contact Dan Kopperud  

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sticky Rubber

Over the years, Rockman has had to listen to many climbers debate about which climbing shoe company has the "stickiest" rubber.  The thought being that if the rubber on your climbing shoes is "stickier" you will somehow thwart the power of gravity and send any climb with ease,style and/or grace.  Rockman has always been a sort of buzz kill during these discussions because Rockman does not think it makes that much difference.   Rockman has always believed that a properly fit shoes is way more important than the rubber.  Yet the debate continues. 

Doing a quick Google search for "stickiest rubber," Rockman found several interesting things.  Rockman found lots websites talking about how a specific brand of shoes is the "stickiest."   Apparently other rock climbers have chosen to bring the debate to the internet (who would have thought the internet could be used for such a thing).  That brand has sort of built its reputation and ads around being the "stickiest."  

Another thing Rockman found out is that people who like to make their cars go real fast, real quick, also like to debate
"sticky rubber."  These guys have also took to their debate to the internet.  The most interesting thing Rockman found was a study sponsored by Spadout.  In this article a scientist from the CERN actually devises a test to measure the "stickiness" of climbing shoe rubber.  The article uses words the Nimmer boys would really love like "coefficient of friction."  They also have equations, so it must be legit.

After all of their testing climbers still commented about how the test and the results were flawed because x,y or z brand didn't "win" in the study.  Oh well, the debate continues.

This is the real question climbers should be debating.  What climbing shoe company makes approach shoes that do not leave black marks all over Rockman's wife's clean kitchen floor?  There is no debating that one, she gets ticked. 

In The Spirit Of Adventure,


Monday, January 4, 2010

13 Questions with an Adventure Rock Local-Mellisa Giuffre

  1. What is your Name? Mellisa Giuffre
  2. Do you have any Nicknames? If so what are they?
  3. How long have you been climbing? 7 Months
  4. How long have you been climbing at Adventure Rock? 7 months
  5. What is your favorite part of Adventure Rock? Meeting other climbers and .......Climbing!
  6. What were you thoughts when you first came to Adventure Rock? Pure Awesomeness!!
  7. What is you favorite climbing area? The Main Gym
  8. What is your favorite route and why? Bloods vs. Crimps. It was the first 5.8 I could do and it's super fun.
  9. What is your favorite piece of climbing gear? My harness, can't top rope without it.
  10. What do you like about climbing? The rush when you get to the top of a climb.  Physical and mental chalenge
  11. Tell us about your best day climbing? The day I did 3 5.9s, for me it was pretty amazing.
  12. If you could change one thing about the sport what would it be? Nothing, I think climbing rocks!
  13. If you could name a route what would you name it? Mellisa Giuffre's Fancy New Route
And their you have it, another one of the great people who make Adventure Rock such a great place to hang out at.

In the Spirit of Adventure Rock,
